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Surfing Course 101: What to bring for your first surfing course

Surfing Course 101: What to bring for your first surfing course

Chapter 1: The super-duper surfboard

Okay, before you plunge into the exciting waters, you of course need the right surfboard. But be careful, not just any board! You don't want to look like an oversized penguin on a miniature banana peel, do you? No, you want a board that suits you like butter on bread. For beginners, it is recommended to choose a longer and wider board. This gives you more stability and doesn't make you bounce back and forth on the waves like an excited chicken. It's best to seek advice from a surfing professional so you don't end up with a board the size of a Mini Cooper.

Chapter 2: Wetsuit, the fashionable protective layer

You don't want to emerge from the water like a frozen ice cream cone, do you? A good wetsuit is your fashion lifeboat. Imagine you are a superhero in a cool body suit. Yes, this is the look you should go for! Choose a wetsuit that fits perfectly and gives you enough freedom of movement. You don't want to look like an oversized sausage in a suit that's too tight, do you?

Chapter 3: Get ready for sunbathing

Sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat - you're not a chameleon and don't want to walk off the beach like a boiled lobster. So slather yourself generously with waterproof sunscreen and don't worry if you look a bit like a walking rainbow. It's better to be colorfully protected than to face sunburn later. Sunglasses and a hat are also an absolute must to protect your eyes and face from the merciless sun. Remember, you want to look cool, but not like a fried fish!

Chapter 4: Style for the Beach

Okay, you've got the surfer look, but don't forget to be stylish before and after surfing. Pack some comfortable clothing that dries quickly. You don't want to be left hanging out in the sun like a soaking wet towel. And hey, a towel is important too! You don't want to dry yourself off like a lost sea monster. And remember to change outfits - it's better to look dry and fresh than like a shambling sea monster.

Chapter 5: Hide your treasures

Your cell phone, your money and your keys - they are more valuable than a treasure chest full of gold coins. So make sure you have a waterproof storage option to protect them from the nasty water spirits. You could build a secret underwater hideout or invent a floating treasure chest. But be careful not to accidentally attract a treasure hunter who thinks you've hidden the Holy Grail in your surf backpack!

Chapter 6: A strong will and a pinch of humor

In addition to all the gear and equipment, there are two more things you should definitely bring with you: a strong will and a touch of humor. Surfing can be frustrating at times, especially when you fall off your board for the thousandth time. But don't give up! Keep your inner surfer spirit alive and laugh at yourself as you flop into the water like a clumsy penguin. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the moment. Surfing is not just a sport, but also an adventure that makes you grow with every wave.


You are ready for your first surfing course! With a suitable surfboard, a stylish wetsuit, sufficient sun protection, comfortable clothing, waterproof storage and an extra dose of willpower and humor, you are well prepared to conquer the waves. Don't forget that the real treasure of surfing is not in the equipment, but in the unforgettable moments and the feeling of freedom and adventure. So grab your surfboard and show the waves who's boss - or at least who's the funniest penguin on the board! Get ready for the surfing course of your life and experience the magic of surfing to the fullest. Cowabunga, dude!

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